If there's one thing dogs have in common, it's their love for rolling in mud! Animals instinctively seek Mud therapy to heal their ailments. Naturally absorbent and extremely gentle on the system, cleansing, detoxifying and healing with mud is as old as man-kind.
Muddy buddy contains a blend of healing clays like dead sea mud, Aztec healing clay, hemp mud and a blend of herbs to like neem, kuppaimeni, turmeric, moringa, matcha, aloe and more to offer your pet the best therapeutic spa experience.
The of the benefits of giving your dog a muddy buddy bath is that by eliminating dead, irritated skin, it can relieve irritations by cooling the itchy, uncomfortable areas. The mud that is applied to your dog's coat will help hydrate the skin and get rid of dandruff, while healing other skin conditions like yeast, mange, etc.
Can be used by all breeds of all ages. If your dog has sensitive, dry skin use our K-Oat buddy instead.
Directions: Make a thin paste with water or add a couple of drops of oil and water. Let it activate for 5 minutes, apply directly to skin and massage for 5 minutes. Keep on for 10 mins and wash off. If adding oil, you will need a mild shampoo, if not just water is fine.